We went to Maui last week. It was a sort of honeymoon and sort of family vacation.My in-laws came with us and yes, that was my idea. John's mother loves all things Hawaiian and has been to islands about five times. So we all board plan going to paradise and had a great time.
I have personal only been to Oahu and it was sort of disappionting. Not that it wasn't beautiful ,but it was big city with palm trees.Maui however didn't let me down it was unbelievable beautiful. It looked like the most amazing backdrop for movie there of course is good reason for that a lot of movies were filmed there Jurassic Park and Fifty First Dates to name just a few. We saw lots of waterfalls on The Road to Hana and amazing views a top Haleakala . It was great trip.
I had to work on Tuesday I got back on Monday two in the morning . I am still screwed up time wise ( 3 hours ahead for Maui). Of course it has only been two days ,but I feel so exhausted at of the day like I have been up for twenty fours straight!!! My little people aren't helping either , but When I got back I got hugs from everyone and Parker after giving me like twenty hugs said ," I Missed you." he is three and one of sweetest kids ever. I missed them too ...they are a lot of trouble ,but
some of my favorite people in the world.