So recently I have become obsessed with DIY ( Do It Yourself) projects. I have loved the results so far. I have been watching Nate Burkes Show a lot lately and he had a woman on who is obsessed with mirrors and apparently she wanted to make her own mirrors with photo frames. I know, I was confused too! You can use a spray paint that turns any glass into mirror!! It is called Looking Glass Mirror-Like Paint made by Krylon. So of course I had to try it and wouldn’t you know it worked out so well. I do have some words of wisdom for you before you make some of my goofs.
First be carful with tape and anything that can peel off paint normal because guess it is paint Duh!!! Second I come up with a design before you start using spray paint because once start it is hard to go back.Thirdly, and most importantly be creative if you can dream it why not try it. A quick over view of the steps.
- Find a frame that you may not love and get creative. So I went for a boring frame I had and then I decide I wanted to monogram it with an S. I went on google typed stencil for S and picked letter I liked. Cut it out and cleaned the frame.
- Then I cleaned the glass and took painters tape to put on the S backwards. The painted part needs to be facing in not facing out.
- You do about five thin coats and let it dry between each coat.
- Then the easiest part I took scrapbook paper and took the cardboard insert and glued it onto it. Make sure it is completely flat then put the whole thing together. I painted the frame as well a great green.