I have collected hats for years and love wearing vintage inspired cloths however I have never had chance to wear them at same time and on everyday occasion. This is why I love blogging because it gives me opportunity to be who I am and gives me chance to express that the way I want. So without further a due here is my Vlog.
Friday, March 30, 2012
What I love: My first Vlog
This week I decide to do something I have never tried a Vlog. Modcloth on of my favorite online stores is doing a contest on DIY craft vlog. I was nervous and excited at same time. I am comfortable being myself, however I am introducing my new look.
I have collected hats for years and love wearing vintage inspired cloths however I have never had chance to wear them at same time and on everyday occasion. This is why I love blogging because it gives me opportunity to be who I am and gives me chance to express that the way I want. So without further a due here is my Vlog.
I have collected hats for years and love wearing vintage inspired cloths however I have never had chance to wear them at same time and on everyday occasion. This is why I love blogging because it gives me opportunity to be who I am and gives me chance to express that the way I want. So without further a due here is my Vlog.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Update on: Open Box paper Goods

I have opened an Etsy story which can be found here. I have two pages up so far and I am going to be adding a couple more. All the pages will be customizable and handmade. They are photo ready and suitable for framing. I am looking forward to grow my collection. So take a look at some of my new creations. Keep checking back for new creations.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
My dad's next door neighbor house
I am from a small town where be eccentric is the normal. It is tiny town where people still say hi to you and everyone knows each other. Organic and green is not trendy it is just a way of life. When I tell people I grow up there is only two response “where?” or “ it is so beautiful and quiet there.” I am from tiny town called Ojai, California it is near Santa Barbara and Ventura, California. People proudly display crazy where ever you go. The women that was crown all around town or Mountain man that wears all green everyday.
I have brought you photos of my dad’s extraordinary house and know I bring you my dad’s next door neighbor. He is retired firefighter Chief. He makes amazing sculptures out of leftover parts of anything and everything.
Mostly he likes scrap metal. He told me he doesn’t make sculptors to sell them he makes them because he enjoys them. With my dad’s encouragement and tons of random scrap parts for his sculptors just keep getting more interesting.
He is whimsical sense of humor can be seen in all of his wonderful works. Enjoy
Monday, March 26, 2012
Handmade tuesday: Terracotta Pot w/ Embossing

Handmade Tuesday is here. I recently have become very excited about Embossing. Is is easy stamping technique that is really easy,but looks great. You can find the embossing powder and embossing tools at any craft store including Michael's.
This time I wanted to try something out of the box. So here is list of what you need:
- Terracotta pot(small)
- Embossing powder
- Embossing heating tool
- Embossing stamp pad Stamps
- Stamps
- Spray Pain Indoor/outdoor (Krylon is my preferred brand)
- Painters tape
- Pruning Seal

Pinterest inspired : Real Simple Chicken and Garlic - lemon with green beans
My Pinterest inspired recipe today I am not going to take credit for. My husband did all the hard work cutting and putting it all together. With full disclosure I did eat it and helped out (ok mostly I took pictures,but I could have helped). I am one lucky girl because my husband loves to cook and I love to eat so it works out great.
It is recipe from Real simple found here. I have never tried a recipe from Real Simple before. It turned out amazing. I love one pot wonders because when it is done every part of meal is done. The taste of chicken was delicious and light. The potatoes were perfectly cooked with fabulous lemon flavor. John was even impressed and happy how easy it was. Sometimes my choice of recipes are long involved and not very good. Not this time it was winner and best part was done in a fifty minutes. Dinner was deliciously and perfectly cooked.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Losing weight no secrets just fun
Recently I have lost about sixteen pounds about three month period. So everyone always wants to know after you lose a lot of weight what is your secret and truth is it isn’t a secret at all. It was plain hard work,but I did have some help that I would love to tell you about. First I used an app and yes, there are a lot of apps for counting calories,but my favorite is Fitness pal. It lets you keep track of your food add in your exercises. One of my favorite things about it is that I can set my goals of losing pounds each week and the goal weight.Another great thing is that it keeps recent and frequent foods making a cinch to track food.
The second thing is jumping on trampoline with the kids and walking three times a week. I have just stared running again and I am taking it slow. As old Cross County runner I want to run three miles without a problem,but that was five years ago and I don’t want to burn myself out so I am going slow. I signed up to run and walk 5k with my friend Candice in April. I am so excited about starting get back to something I loved and did just for me. Work and crazy schedule have not made it possible so it is nice to make some time for me and do two things I love running and Listen to This American life .
Friday, March 23, 2012
What I love : Tea
Some days I just feel so tried these days. Having successful blog, working as nanny and starting up scrapbook business is exhausting. However, when I need a spare moment to relax I sit down and have some tea. No I am not British ,but couple years ago I started drinking green tea. The health benefits are astounding and when trying to diet it has been proven to help you lose weight. I didn’t realize at that time I was becoming obsessed and yes obsessed is the right word. When you ask for tea for Christmas you now you have a problem. It is fair to say all tea is not created equal.
My husband even calls tea glorified water. However, that was before we found Teavana the most dangerous place for tea lovers to go. It will change your mind about tea. The Mate Golden Monkey will even make coffee drinks sit up and take notice. I have not had tea there that was not worth trying. My favorite is Raspberry Riot. Although, it is not cheap by any means it is so delicious you wont mind the splurge. If you go to a Teavana always ask the sales people their favorite tea.
I know we don’t all have fifty dollars to spend on tea so I also have some teas found in Target and groceries store aisles. My favorite is Tazo the taste is always strong and more then one note. I like the Zen Green tea and chia. Another brand that is good ,but a little more expensive is Numi organic tea I prefer Rooibos. So do what I do when you need a moment and enjoy a cup of tea. I like my tea with a little honey and that is it. Simple is always the best.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
My dad's extraordinary house part 2 : A pickers dream
I perviously Had post on my dad’s very unique house. You can check it out here. This is part two of may dad’s house. Everyone knows the show American pickers well that was my dad he would travel around the United States picking up things that he liked.
Anything and Everything.Some of the best part of the stuff he has is the stories connected with them. My dad himself describes his house as “ pickers dream” So here are some more pictures of his very extraordinary house.
Please feel free to leave me any questions on anything you see at his house. We are going through a lot of his stuff and selling it on EBay.
pickers dream,
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
What fun we can have .Carnival and Fun Fair Poster
I am happy to show off another one of the gems I will be selling on EBay. It is Carnival and Fun Fair poster.
The poster well be on Ebay March 19. I especially the picture of the clown. If you want more information you can Check it out Here.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Handmade Tuesday: Embossing wood letters

I am trying something Called Handmade Tuesday. I am going to be linked up with my new friends at Tip junkie giving you guys access to a lot more handmade crafts as well. I am so excited so let’s start crafting.
So today’s project involves wooden letters and stamps. I am not sure if you noticed that at Michaels they have new larger section with wooden letters and shapes. I have been itching to get my hands on one. Today was the day and here is what you will need:
- Large wooden letter ($3.99 at Michaels)
- paint (I love Martha Stewards Acrylic paint collection the color is so rich $1.00)
- Paint brush I suggest the round sponge (49 cents)
- Stamp and stamp pad (used Inkadinkado® Dot Flourishes Clear $14 and Emboss ink$4)
- Stamp Embossing powder $7 Embossing heat tool ( $24.00-30.00 a bit of investment,but worth it if you like stamping)
Paint the letter and let dry. Take your stamp of choice and stamp using your embossing powder sprinkle it on and be sure to coat it evenly. Shake of the extra. Use your heating tool to emboss. Use heat tool until it is shine. Repeat for each stamp. Enjoy.
Pinterest Inspired: Pretzel Buttons

One of my problems about Pinterest is after you pin some of items I am hesitant to try it especially recipes. I am not sure why, but it just had not tried making any food until my boss told me she tried several recipes that were amazing. So I decide to try something easy first pretzel buttons.

Saturday, March 17, 2012
Bran muffins that will make you smile
Bran muffins that will make you smile
So lets be honest no one likes healthy food. It taste well frankly like cardboard. That was why when I heard about this recipe I was not super excited to try making Bran muffins. I frankly avoid bran muffins at all cost because they taste gross. So when my mom swore they were best muffin she ever had I had to at least try it. That was about year ago and I eat two ever morning that is how great they are. Recently I lost about sixteen pounds and I am sure having bran muffin ever morning helped a lot.
Friday, March 16, 2012
What I love : NPR edition
What I love so much is NPR( National Public Radio). Ok so I think that officially makes me nerd. However, before you judge to much let me just say Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg are big fans too. I am so lucky to have the Santa Monica KCRW for my station I get all “Martine Shoot” and a bunch of other locally programs that I love.
I really fell in love with Ira Glass in College. He is the host of a Saturday show called “ This American Life” and if you have not heard of it do yourself a favor and click my link right now. He is brilliant and every week he brings you different topic and stories on that topic. Sometimes hilarious and others heartbreaking. Always thought provoking. My all time favorite story is episode 115: “First Day” I have never laughed so hard. The other thing that sold me on NPR was Nick Harcourt. He doesn’t work there anymore,but his show he hosted is still on the air “Morning becomes Eclectic”. He introduced me to so many amazing artist. Butterfly Brocher and Damien Rice most notably.
I love learning things I didn’t know and let others in on the secret. It is great to pretend you are smartest person in the room on every topic. NPR is researched and brings both sides of the discussion. They never side with one person and always ask the hard questions. That is what I love about them. I have cried with as I listened to 911unfolded on my radio and I have laughed with them. I am better person for listening to them and there are not many things that you can say that about it.
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